Rani Mukherjee, the beautiful actress who has wooed the Bollywood audience with her great performance, was born on March 21, 1978. Rani belongs to a Bengali family which has a good background in films. While her father Ram Mukherjee was a director and the co-founder of Filmalaya Studios, her mother Krishna was a playback singer. Raja Mukherjee, her brother, is a film producer, who is now into direction. Moreover, Debashree Roy, her maternal aunt, is a national award-winning Bengali film actress and her cousin, Kajol, is another renowned Bollywood actress. Rani was trained in Odissi from a very early age. She joined Maneckji Cooper High School in Juhu, and afterwards entered Mithibai College in Mumbai. At the age of 14, while she was still in school, Rani Mukherjee acted in a cameo role in the Bengali film Biyer Phool (1992), directed by her father.
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